just ran the topical debate at the request of the SPD and Alliance 90/The Greens to the thesis of the defense minister in the German Bundestag. First of all, Karl Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg has made a mistake, his doctoral work is imbued with plagiarism. Whether it was a deliberate attempt to deceive is to assess each one to decide. The suspicion. After emergence of the allegations in various titles Guttenberg was still a poor figure by the allegations of plagiarism on its own had, but wanted to let his Ph.D. temporarily suspended. That this is not possible it should be mentioned separately. The final showdown, then at a meeting of the CDU in Hesse. Here he admitted errors in his thesis, and reiterated that he would be permanently awarded a doctorate by the University of Bayreuth cabinets. All in all a very bad performance. This is not to be questioned. There must be consequences, as with any other willful deceiver in the dissertation process and equal. Said to be but one, the media coverage and the reactions reminiscent in parts of the company to a hunt. This particular case goes beyond the normal disdain and demand far out of consequences. I assume that the legitimate accusation of plagiarism is in addition to various stock a "godsend". He is a Selbstinszenierer, no question. A hero of the tabloid with the 4 letters. What a joy on the part of people it has always been "arrogant" felt with "too much gel in his hair." What a joy to the opposition, that probably still most popular politician in Germany has finally learned a crack. What it must have been a burden that the majority of long-standing policy of the Bundestag is never swam against this wave of sympathy. With envy and resentment, this development has been evaluated. This is especially for the requests have just been in the debate in the German Bundestag more than clear. Malice, ridicule and sarcasm are the stylistic devices. What jubilation in the ranks of the CDU / CSU, the largest internal competitor seems to fall well! Horst Seehofer must have joy have been opened one or the other Boxbeutel. Officially, he is of course behind Guttenberg, he is sovereign and therefore "father" of ousted Politprinzens. The media luminary and Mr. Clean Guttenberg one wants to see now fall as fast as it has let him rise. Nothing can out of resignation and self-flagellation with the scourge satisfy the angry mob. Oh that has high morale but it seems the majority of citizens. I appeal to you, "He who is without sin cast the first stone".
Guttenberg fact should not be without consequence, if only in fairness to other students, but the human Removal of Mr. Guttenberg is in terms of momentum and energy one step too far. The dissertation is a metaphorical sideshow. Long before there was a clear evidence to have the "Missgünstler" pounced on him. The rule of law "in benefit of the doubt does not matter when it comes to the impending overthrow of" corrupt holistically "," promise-breaking "and" sleazy "politicians. What this society attaches high morale and how quickly the "sign" of justice premature verdict. Now, Guttenberg is a serious misstep has done. These need to be assessed and then to draw the necessary conclusions. For the final dismantling human enough for me did not. We had a foreign minister who did fight in his youth, usually at police with iron bars. This situation never led to calls for his resignation in this dynamic, as quoted in the supposedly fake dissertation of Guttenberg. Maybe because in the remaining 68ers in the hand is quite "chic" is, but they fit in this "revolutionary" period. One should compare these two cases, but in context they are to be made well. The "wise" heads including the business community will continue to consider whether they find their way into politics. Could it be a mistake but in the past done or not an infallible future eye look! Caribbean rather than suicide ...
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