Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Diaper Punish Ones Self

first Barcamp Wine Web in Germany "Vinocamp "dry

The news spread today throughout the day like a forest fire. The first Barcamp regarding the topic of wine on the web is being planned. The wine blogger Thomas Lippert , which could already gain some experience with Barcamps abroad, and all our Blogggwart and winemaker Dirk Würtz team up to bring the whole thing rolling. The first question that presents itself to the layman, of course, what is it such a Barcamp? Now that there are probably two approaches. Direttore the interpretation would be a 5-day non stop drink in Miami. That's not quite true. According defined "Wikipedia" is a Barcamp, as follows: "A BarCamp is an open meeting, the course and content of the course participants in the conference itself will be developed." Who can and should the
with so little regard to wine, join in on the web? Dirk Würtz answered the question: "Everyone wants to is allowed to participate and contribute something to Vinocamp main thing is it has something to do with wine and the Web You may also simply come only listen and gather ideas, share experiences, too, starting out or... those who want to soon go into the subject are welcome. Of course, this also applies to all professionals, growers, winemakers and wine lovers. " Basically, I think this idea
appropriate. It can not hurt the scene once the heads sew together, to decide certain synergies, or simply to pick up new inspiration. It will be interesting whether common results can be found, or what sustainability may have a "VinoCamp" for the wine web future.
The right step at the right time, I'm looking forward to it!
The Vinocamp page mixxt
The Vinocamp page on Facebook
Dirk Würtz to Vinocamp
The wine blogger Thomas Lippert for Vinocamp
Drunkenmonday to Vinocamp
Baccantus on Vinocamp


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