Saturday, December 25, 2010

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I have sometimes felt life kidding me wants
It did not work, there is no money and the problems's free.
It works even nothing, life is much harder than concrete
And I do not want, I can no longer living in this prison '.

These days of horror, no friends, then the self-pity.
You can fly sometimes, but before you take off you fall the same.
"Unfortunately for you," someone says at the top and disappear.
I try to talk 'with him, although I do not find him.

much stress to some people and most were friends
And now they run past you as they would regret it.

The time in which you may have shared the food,
hath felt like 300 men, although one was for two.
Sorry, there are exactly the kopfgefickte days and out too hard,
Off to bed and light, maybe I'll sleep until the next day.

Only a breath of happiness, I will finally be happy again.
'm feeling so on the ground, as if 'all I fall in' back.
Please heb 'me back up, take me back to the country
Because where you do not give up and not always in the towel

Then the day after the thunder throws, so satisfying and beautiful.
Where do you think that the feeling is now, and never go back.
your work, a few friends and a partner who loves you
And you rejoice, because the cards finally playing again for you.

And you get up tomorrow, drink your coffee, count the bills
walking out then, right on shopping and eating with some friends.
About Krass you think, at last Gone is the stress.
party every weekend, drink until the last goes.

drinking until no more tables, is party to burn no more light.
next day the photos and you hope that you will not recognize.
new love first kiss -. what 'ne reminder
Yes has the right type, it would be cool we wär'n forever young.

boss calls you, you are terminated without notice.
your partner puts an end, the problems are on time.
One Never forget: Do only what you want is
Do what your heart tells you, you'll see that it helps..


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