The Web Trend 2010: Real-time Internet
The year 2010 is just two days old and already is clear the trend that will shape the Internet in 2010: Real-time Internet
2009 would be the year of social networking. Social networks like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and business and regional networks such as Xing, LinkedIn, who-knows-who and what else you are in that direction, had reported last year, rapid growth. One must admit you are already practically these social networks. As part of the neighbor in the apartment next door socially more of yourself away, as so many Internet junkies in South Africa, Zimbabwe and New Zealand.
But so far it is primarily text messages, pictures and videos that are published or broadcast and viewed a few seconds, minutes or hours later from the recipient. The year 2010, but by a new Achievement will be marked: real-time messages and real-time chat
real-time chat and waves in the Internet
The times in which we have been hammered the text hard to Instant Messenger, and the recipient fingertrippelnd waited for the appearance of the message are over. With new technologies such as Google Wave (via the development of Google Wave Systems I am going to report more frequently) it is possible already when typing the message, as read along the same receiver. This real-time chat is next to a direct phone call probably the fastest way to exchange messages.
addition to a - still in development - real time chat are already some (almost) real-time functions in the social networks in operation. Since there are real-time status reports in most instant messengers, and many social networks (eg, Xing), or chirping of friends ( is with the appropriate software virtually in real time on your own monitor.
You may wonder whether the real-time Internet really as "predicted" the Internet trend in 2010, is whether or see smart developers or whoever does something even "better" come up.
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